Dropshipping and Wholesale integration for Shopify!

Over 31 000 products from 120+ brands
integrated into your shop without a hassle.

Useful Features

Everything you need to start your e-commerce journey!

Package includes everything for opening your first dropshipping fueled e-commerce business.

No cost!

Our application is completely free to use! You only pay for the goods that you sell.

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Automatic Product Import, Stock Levels, and Price Updates

This application allows for the automatic import of products, updating of stock levels, and price adjustments in your shopify store.

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Product Descriptions Available in 13 Languages

Our system supports multiple language versions, enabling you to reach domestic markets with your offerings.

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Order fulfillment

App support Shopify fulfillment for orders. Just one click in your Shopify sore to place order in Matterhorn Wholesale.

Professional Advice

The support team offers professional technical advice and assistance in optimizing plugin settings.

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Price Updates

Any price changes in the warehouse are automatically reflected in the store.

Real Customers Reviews

What people say

See what our customers have to
say about their experience.


Frequently asked questions

Browse through these FAQs to find answers to commonly asked questions.

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Simply install our app from the Shopify App Store - after installation, we will automatically open your account at Matterhorn Wholesale. You can find our app in the Shopify App Store at this address: https://apps.shopify.com/matterhorn-wholesale

Our integration offers a wide range of features:
  • Product Import - Import from a selection of over 31,000 clothing, footwear, and lingerie models.
  • Price Updates - The application will automatically update prices with your markup; no need to monitor price changes.
  • Inventory Levels - Live updates on inventory levels for products imported from Matterhorn.
  • Dropshipping Fulfillment - A single click to create a dropshipping order in our wholesale from your Shopify Admin.
  • Wholesale Bulk Order - The app assists you in placing wholesale orders to stock up your headquarters before selling the products.

Our dropshipping model application utilizes the Shopify Fulfilment functionality. All products imported through our application will be assigned to the Matterhorn Fulfillment service - to execute an order, click on 'Request fulfillment' in the Shopify panel for each order containing Matterhorn products. This will generate a dropshipping order in our system. You can find all such orders in the 'Fulfillment orders' tab - where you can check the status of order fulfillment and also make payments for them

Our integration provides support for multiple currencies, facilitating the smooth sale of products in various international markets. We currently support the following currencies: EUR, CHF, CZK, USD, RUB, CAD, AUD, GBP, BGN, DKK, NOK, RON, SEK, and HUF.

The platform supports operation in languages: English (en), Polish (pl), German (de), French (fr), Dutch (nl), Hungarian (hu), Czech (cz), Slovak (sk), Swedish (sv), Lithuanian (lt), Greek (gr), Bulgarian (bg), Romanian (ro), and Italian (it). This functionality allows reaching a broad audience and adapting the store to the individual needs of an international clientele.

We offer comprehensive customer support through multiple channels: email, phone, and a dedicated chat service on our website. Our team is available during business hours to assist with any questions or issues you may encounter. We aim to provide prompt and effective support to ensure the smooth operation of your store.

The integration tool is available for free!. Your only cost is the Shopify store fee, allowing you to benefit from our wide range of services without additional charges for the integration. You just pay for ordered goods and shipping.